Clare Grant Spends Time with The Fangirls!
This month’s episode of Fangirls Going Rogue features two great fangirl guests.
First, Lisa Granshaw of The Daily Dot joins us for a discussion of the recent rollout of the Star Wars Rebels characters and the unintended message it sent to many female fans. We talk about the character videos and the order they were revealed, as well as the missing female characters in toys shown at New York Toy Fair. But we also share our thoughts on what we like in what we’ve seen from Rebels so far — and it’s not just the great duo of Hera and Sabine!
Then voice actress and fangirl extraordinaire Clare Grant joins Teresa and Tricia for an interview. We talk about Star Wars, of course, as well as Team Unicorn’s goals of increasing the profile of female genre fans. As someone who’s seen Hollywood from the inside, Clare has some great insights to share.
Finally, this month’s character discussion dives into the mysteries of Yoda, everyone’s favorite little green troll.
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