SeagateCreative Interviews Clare Grant
If you’re not familiar with Clare Grant and Team Unicorn, you’re missing out on an Internet delight. These lovely ladies have taken the cyberworld by storm mashing “geek” and “grace” together to bring you some of the most creatively comedic videos this side of the Romulan Neutral Zone.
We had a chance to talk with Clare about Team Unicorn and the upcoming pilot for Adult Swim.
SeagateCreative: What’s the Team Unicorn origin story?
Clare Grant: Rileah [Vanderbilt] and I were friends and producing partners for many years when she became friends with the other two girls. The three of them approached me about cosplaying as Sailor Moon with them at SDCC, which is how we four became friends. Shortly after, Milynn [Sarley] came up with the idea to parody Katy Perry’s “California Gurls”, as “G33K & G4M3R Girls” and brought Rileah and I on to produce the video. After the surprise overwhelming success with that first video, new ideas just came rolling our and Team Unicorn snowballed in to a series and a geek culture brand.
SeagateCreative: With a Team Unicorn series coming to Adult Swim, what are some of the things we can expect from the show?
Clare Grant: You can expect another love letter to one of our favorite cult genres.
SeagateCreative: While working on the show, what’s an interesting idea you had and what inspired that specific idea?
Clare Grant: For me, it was naming our group name and show “Team Unicorn”. My husband had been calling me his unicorn for a couple years when I met Milynn, and she was already referring to herself as a unicorn for the same reasons. Since we all became friends over our shared geeky passions, it seemed appropriate to name ourselves Team Unicorn.
SeagateCreative: What was your biggest challenge in making some of the Team Unicorn videos and how did you overcome it?
Clare Grant: The biggest challenge was creating products with the look of high production value, but for the cost of whatever money we could wrangle. To overcome it, we pulled lots of favors from friends in the production field, and when we still needed more funding to get the project right, we pitched our shorts around town to financiers until we found companies who believed in us and funded our videos.
SeagateCreative: What video is your favorite and why?
Clare Grant: My favorite video is “Alien Beach Crashers” because it is just so fun. I love every second of it.
SeagateCreative: As part of the creative process, (writing, editing, filming) what’s your favorite step and why?
Clare Grant: My favorite part is being on set. All my favorite people coming together to be a part of something I created myself is magical.
SeagateCreative: What’s the creative collaboration experience like working with the other members of Team Unicorn?
Clare Grant: It’s great. We all have our different strengths, and by now we just focus on what each of us are good at.
SeagateCreative: Whether it’s writing, acting or filming, how does storage play into your work?
Clare Grant: Shooting in digital means we are in constant need of hard drives, we love the Seagate hard drives because of the reliability and portability.
SeagateCreative: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to an aspiring writer/filmmaker?
Clare Grant: Just get out there and do it. If you have an idea, write it, shoot it, and put it out. The more you work, the better you get. And never stop trying.
Be sure to check out Clare and Team Unicorn on these official channels.
Official Site (Clare Grant)
Official Site (Team Unicorn)
Twitter (Clare Grant)
Twitter (Team Unicorn)
Facebook (Clare Grant)
Facebook (Team Unicorn)
Instagram (Clare Grant)